Case Study: Metal Images
I interviewed Lori at length, learning everything I could about her business, her experience, her customer service policies and the things she loves best about creating metal art and interacting with her clients. I learned who her clients are and the benefits they expect from her, both specific and intangible, and I added a perspective or two of my own.
The result is a web site with copy that maintains the Metal Images company identity throughout, while allowing Lori's personality to come through clearly. We accomplished this, in part, by being specific about the Metal Image design, service and manufacture processes, while telling the story of Lori's love of metal art and her joy at creating jewelry that her clients and their audiences cherish. An extensive photo gallery of Metal Images creations and an impressive client list are of course important parts of the mix.
The site effectively interweaves the concepts of personalized service and individual artistry with those of corporate efficiency and professionalism, so that prospective clients receive the message that with Metal Images, they get the best of both.
“The quality of Jerry’s writing is outstanding. He was able to take the message I wanted to convey on my web site and make it easy for all my clients to understand.”
— Lori Elder, owner and chief metalsmith, Metal Images
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